Горелик С.І. демонструє кваліфікаційні роботи студентів абітурієнтам та їх батькам

Горелик С.І. демонструє кваліфікаційні роботи студентів абітурієнтам та їх батькам
Gorelik S.I. (Acting Head of the Department) explained to schoolchildren and their parents the main directions of specialties.Applicants had the opportunity to consult the graduate works of our graduates to see the awards of the department and its students and to understend for themselves a special feature of the training programme in the department. The acting head said that at the moment GIS was super modern and one of the most popular areas in the IT field, the labor market was being transformed into international standards which meant that knowledge of foreign languages was compulsory, in our case, English.

Горб Олександр Іванович, Красовська Інеса Григорівна та Перекупський Юрій Петрович у виставковій залі конференції INTERGEO 2018

Андрєєв Сергій Михайлович та Красовська Інеса Григорівна на конференції у Франкфурті-на-Майні

Виставкова зала конференції

Інформаційний лист конференції INTERGEO 2018
INTERGEO 2018 is the leading international exhibition of geodesy, GIS and land management with 531 exhibitors from 37 countries, more than 18,000 visitors from more than 100 countries and 1,300 delegates to the international conference. The focus was on digitization and innovation which it introduced from the point of view of BIM, virtual and augmented reality, unmanned aerial vehicles and smart cities.
From October 15 to October 19 in Frankfurt am Main, a group of teachers from the Department of Geoinformation Technologies and Space Monitoring of the Earth which included Associate Professor Adreyev Sergey Mikhailovich and Associate Professor Krasovskaya Inessa Grigorevna attended the INTERGEO 2018 conference to follow the latest trends in the development of GIS technologies , the latest surveying equipment; evaluate modern methods of remote sensing of the Earth are available on the market and expand the horizons of cooperation with foreign representatives of leading companies in the field of GIS
Profiles of the exhibition INTERGEO:
- Geodesy devices, equipment, accessories and software;
-Photogrammetry: aerial equipment, photogrammetric scanners, digital photogrammetric stations;
- Cartography: printing and digital publications (topographic and navigation maps, plans, atlases, guides, etc.), Software, hardware; Operational printing;
- Geoinformation technologies: software, GIS projects;
- Satellite technology: satellite geodetic receivers, satellite navigation receivers and base stations in GLONASS, GPS, Galileo, and others;
- Laser scanning: ground and air laser scanners, software;
- Earth remote sensing data: satellite and aerial images;
- Construction of buildings and structures: engineering surveys, design, observation of deformations, geodetic support of construction;
- Land and real estate: cadastral survey, land surveying, land management, technical inventory and assessment of real estate, information cadastral systems, etc.;

Групове фото учасників конференції

Вітальне слово проректора з наукової роботи ХАІ д.т.н. Павленко Віталія Миколайовича

Презентація торта виготовленого однією з академічних груп

Гості конференції слухають доповіді студентів
On this day, the department of geo-information technologies and space monitoring of the Earth held a festive evening at KhAI which was attended by representatives of various universities and organizations whose activities in one way or another resonate with geographic information systems.It is important to note that this conference was a jubilee for our department and was held for the tenth time.As guests were invited representatives of our profession among graduates of the GIS department, the KhAI management in the person of the KhAI Vice-Rector for Science, Dr. Sc. Pavlenko Vitaly Nikolaevich, director of the company "Navigation and Geodesic Center", Kharkiv and a loyal friend of the department - Gorb Alexander Ivanovich. Each of the guests congratulated the department and shared his experience in the field of GIS.Students of our and other universities in Kharkov made presentations on their scientific achievements, revealing current trends in geo-information activities. The festive part of the conference consisted of two interesting contests for students: 1. Videos about the life of GIS students, revealing all the difficulties and deprivations of a difficult educational process from a cheerful and positive side; 2. Cake competition on the topic of geographic information systems. Representatives of the department acted as a jury, and as winners awards were awarded commemorative certificates.

Виступ і слова подяки д.т.н., професора Красовського Г.Я.

Вручення індивідуальних нагород студенту - призеру цього року представниками компанії Here

Вручення почесної грамоти ВУЗу і кафедрі ГІС представниками компанії Here

Доповідь представника Here WeGo в ХАІ
On Thursday, the department received guests from Kiev in Kharkov, who represented the Here WeGo online cartographic product development company (Here Maps) where all the main aspects of joint cooperation were revealed, the work over three years was summed up and the goals for the next year were depicted.Here maps is a mapping service that belongs to a consortium of companies AUDI AG, BMW Group and Daimler AG. It is used in numerous software packages, including navigation systems (of the most important: Garmin, BMW, Nissan). Here WeGo is available for web browsers and phones on various platforms. Maps include features such as map search, satellite maps, route planning, 3D maps, real-time traffic display. Here maps are present in 196 countries, offering voice-guided navigation in 96 countries. Provides traffic information in 41 countries and has internal maps of approximately 75,600 homes in 72 countries. For three years, students of our department have been participating in the annual international cartographer competition "Here Roads interuniversity" and occupy top places, and the KhAI, in turn, is represented by our department. international ranking cartographers. This year was no exception and our university was also awarded a diploma from HERE. The award was attended by the Vice-Rector for Research, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Gaydachuk Alexander Vitalyevich and Dean of the Faculty of Rocket and Space Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Firsov Sergey Nikolaevich. At the end of the conference, all students who wanted to take part in future projects were given the opportunity to apply for participation.

Будинки Ради Міністрів республіки Туркменістан

Нарада з експертами в Міністерстві Екології та земельних ресурсів

Українська делегація в обласному управлінні земельних ресурсів
The State Committee of Turkmenistan for the Protection of the Environment and Resources represented by the Chairman B. Orazmiradov in the plan for improving the Land Cadastre System of the Republic of Turkmenistan invited competent employees of the National Aerospace University "KhAI" to discuss possible projects for cooperation in this direction. The KhAI delegation included well-known specialists in the field of information support for land use management and environmental space monitoring, employees of the department of geographic information technologies and Earth space monitoring: Assoc. Andreev S.M., prof. Butenko A.S., prof. Krasovsky G.Ya., Assoc. Krasovskaya I. The delegation’s visit to the Republic of Turkmenistan took place from August 16–18, 2017 to working meetings and consultations from the Turkmen side were taken by senior officials of the Cabinet of Ministers, Advisor to the President of Turkmenistan, employees of the State Committee for Environmental Protection and Resources, and land management design institutes. and land cadastre, Academy of Sciences. In the course of constructive discussions, promising areas for further cooperation were outlined.